What are the benefits of an abdominoplasty?

Cosmetic Surgery Enquiry

Though a six pack or a flat stomach is something many of us hope to achieve, it is rarely a possibility. However, if you have excess skin or fat that you cannot shift no matter how much exercise you do, or how well you eat and watch your diet, then there may be an alternative that might be able to help restore some of your confidence. An Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, is one of the most famous cosmetic operations that you can have.

Put simply, an Abdominoplasty is an operation that is done to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area. It is also done to strengthen the stomach muscles. Despite the fact that it is a major surgical procedure, in America it is the sixth most commonly performed operation by surgeons with over 150,000 operations being performed each year, with the majority of those having the surgery being women (over 90%). Unless it is being done for health reasons (if you are clinically obese or it is threatening your life) then an Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic procedure.

Is Abdominoplasty for me?

Abdominoplasty has been around for many decades, long enough for it to change to keep up with bikini fashion (and long enough for the older style of incision to come back into fashion), and is generally safe for the majority of people who have it done. While it is expensive because you cannot get it on the NHS, the effects and results of it cannot be denied; once the tissue has healed you will have a flatter stomach and better stomach muscles. However, this does not mean that you should have an Abdominoplasty because you are starting to get a bit of a paunch; it is still a major surgery and not something that should be taken lightly. Before going into your GP's and telling them that you want an Abdominoplasty, you need to make the decision of whether it is right for you and whether the risk of such a large scale surgery is acceptable. If the answer is yes to both those questions then an Abdominoplasty could be the right path for you.

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