
Vitiligo is a condition involving pigment loss in certain sections of the skin, usually around the eyes and mouth. These areas can over a period of time, become fully white.

Treatment for Vitiligo has traditionally involved exposure to synthetic Ultraviolet A [UVA light] to promote repigmentation. This procedure had positive results in less than 50 percent of patients who underwent treatment. This treatment also involved at least 100 sessions that were continued over a period of many months.


The BClear system combines the benefits of UVB treatment with targeted light technology to treat symptoms of Vitiligo. The laser generates UVB light that helps to boost pigment production. The laser penetrates deeply into the skin, enabling the light to access the last of the pigment producing cells.

The benefits of UVB light therapy have been combined with fiber optic technology to deliver light that's precisely targeted with the use of a fiber optic cable. The light in this method is delivered in higher doses than conventional UVB treatment. This means that patients can see quicker results while the procedure calls for fewer treatments.

BClear also allows skin care practitioners to customize treatment in order to safely treat all skin types and areas of the body. With just a few treatments, your practitioner can reduce the appearance of Vitiligo. A customized BClear treatment is targeted only towards the affected sections of the skin, while eliminating the possibility of radiation exposure to the neighboring normal skin.


Your practitioner may apply petroleum jelly to the area before treatment to allow better transmission of the light. The petroleum jelly can also soothe the skin during the procedure, allowing the treatment head to slide easily over the skin. You may require 2 to 3 sessions a week, spread out over a 2 month period. The duration of treatment and number of sessions will depend on the severity of the condition and the area being treated.

After the procedure

You may notice slight reddening or swelling of the skin. Avoid exposing the affected area to the sun for at least a month after treatment.