Are there any side effects of arm lift surgery? - Cosmetic Surgery Guide

Cosmetic Surgery Enquiry

After the surgery it is likely that you will experience bruising and swelling on the arms, and it is possible that the stitches might become infected but if you follow post-operation instructions and hygiene then should be avoided.

There are some serious risks of this procedure as it is possible that nerves can become compressed during the operation. If this happens then the patient could have difficulty in moving their hands and arms. There is also the risk of developing hematoma where blood gathers under the surface of the skin or that skin along the incision cannot heal so a skin graft might be necessary. Certain people are more prone to experience side effects from this surgery. If you are overweight, have a medical or are a heavy smoker then there is an increased chance of risks. For this reason it is vital to discuss the possibility of this happening with your surgeon beforehand, but in most cases people will only experience mild side effects such as bruising and scarring.

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