Who Can Take Propecia? | Hair Loss & Hair Transplant Surgery Guide

Any male who is experiencing male pattern hair loss can be potentially treated with Propecia as long as a doctor has diagnosed you with the condition and has prescribed Propecia to you. However, if you are of a certain age, it has been found that Propecia is not as effective, so you may look at an alternative method of treatment for hair loss, if Propecia is not giving you the desired effect. It is also not effective in some men and the reason for why it works better in some men than others, is unknown.

Both women and children are not recommended this treatment especially if the woman is pregnant or potentially could be pregnant. In fact, pregnant women should not even touch the medication because if the tablet is broken in some way, the drug can absorb through your skin and have serious consequences. It can cause serious fetal abnormalities as it can affect the development of male foetus' genital regions as it is inhibiting an important hormone in male sex organ development. There is not enough research to determine whether it has a detrimental effect on children therefore children are not allowed this treatment.

There are certain medical conditions that may prevent you from using Propecia as a treatment for hair loss. These include the following:

  • Liver disease- If you have anything wrong with your liver, then you will not be permitted to use this medication as it has been found to cause liver hepatitis- liver inflammation- in people with liver disease.
  • Prostate cancer- there is a small association between Propecia and prostate cancer so it will not be prescribed to you if you have or have had a history of prostate cancer.
  • If you have stricture of the Urethra
  • Allergic reactions – if you have had an allergic reaction to another medication called Avodart, then it is likely your body will not respond well to Propecia.

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