Hair Transplant Surgeon - Hair Loss & Hair Transplant Surgery Guide

Hair transplant surgery is a safe cosmetic procedure when carried out by skilled surgeons, but remember that it is surgery with permanent effects on your hair and appearance. These effects can be detrimental if the surgery is performed unsatisfactorily as the result of inexperience or incompetence. This means you need to consider safety and effectiveness as your top priorities. Choosing the right surgeon helps to both maximize safety and reduce any concerns that the patient might have. Here are some tips and considerations to take into account when searching for a quality surgeon.

Take your time

Do not make the mistake of rushing into an agreement or commit to hair transplant surgery before you are assured, and have taken all the necessary steps to ensure that the attendant risks of the surgery have been minimized. This involves finding a suitable professional with a wealth of experience who will carry out the procedure with expertise. There is little point in making a speedy decision without researching the clinic and surgeon, as this can ultimately extend treatment time and increase expense if the surgery is poorly executed. Additional surgery is required to correct bad hair transplants.

Consider multiple factors

Finding a clinic and surgeon who will perform hair transplant surgery for a relatively small amount of money can seem like a dream come true. However, while cheapness does not necessarily mean the surgeon is bad, it is sensible to take more factors into consideration than which clinic is the least expensive. The most important factors are:

  • The quality and renown of the clinic or surgery,
  • The surgeon’s experience, in terms of years on the job and whether they were taught by other experienced surgeons,
  • The surgeon’s professional qualifications and level of expertise,
  • A fair, reasonable price for the quality of service offered.

Looking into these matters is crucial, as there is very little official regulation of the hair transplant industry. A general practitioner could potentially claim to be a hair transplant surgeon without having any professional training in the field. Often there is no need to become anxious about this sort of possibility, but it is always worth checking qualifications and experience. A genuine hair transplant surgeon will be happy to supply these.

Listen to personal recommendations

Finding the right surgeon can be tricky, but personal recommendations from people you know and trust can be the best way to find a skilled professional. This means they have nothing to gain financially from recommending the surgeon, and have firsthand experience of their work. If nobody around you has had hair transplant surgery, ask your doctor for recommendations. The internet is another useful tool, but make sure that they were not paid for their testimonies. You can also use the internet to search for the name of a surgeon in medical journals: have they contributed reports related to the field? This is something like a recommendation because these journals are reviewed by peers in the field, and therefore respectability is implied.

Think safety

Don’t fret or lose patience if the search for a surgeon becomes time consuming. This can simply be a hint that you are going about this the right way. A skilful and experienced hair transplant surgeon will not only provide safe and effective hair restoration, but will also have been trained to recognize any warning signs or pre-existing conditions that could increase the risks. They conduct a full evaluation prior to the surgery, and will be happy to fully answer all questions that you have. A good surgeon will not pressure you into anything.