Invisalign Advantages | Dental Treatment Guide

There are a number of significant advantages to choosing Invisalign. First of all, because the brackets are made from clear ceramics, they are virtually invisible. If you think back to how conventional metal brackets looked against teeth, you can understand why so many people choose Invisalign. Whether you are in a business meeting, socialising with people for the first time or you simply want to feel your usual, confident self, Invisalign works.

As you would expect from a modern dental product, there is also a lot more emphasis placed on comfort. Because your Invisalign aligners are removable, you can take them out to eat, brush and floss, which helps you maintain your oral hygiene. You also change aligners every two weeks, so less food becomes trapped around your teeth and gums.

One of the secrets behind Invisalign comfort is the lack of metal and elastic. Invisalign moves the teeth gradually, exerting as little pressure as possible so that the process is as smooth as possible. Conventional braces work by regularly tightening and re-tightening the braces, which can cause inflammation around the gums. With Invisalign, these kinds of problems are eliminated.

One of the biggest reasons that people reject orthodontic work is because they usually have to wear the braces for a long period of time before they see a visible difference. With Invisalign, you can see through the use of 3-D imaging how quickly your teeth will change and how your smile will improve. As a product, Invisalign also means that over the course of your treatment you spend less time at the dentist and you also see the results much faster – many people see a significant difference within just 12 months.

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