What are follow-up procedures like after a bone graft surgery? | Dental Treatment Guide

Pain medications may be given to you in order to minimize the discomfort after your surgery. You should keep your mouth as clean as possible while the surgical site is recovering. You must brush your mouth twice a day and floss regularly. If the surgical site is not covered by a periodontal dressing then you can remove plaque gently using a tooth brush. An antimicrobial mouth rinse that has chlorexidine may be prescribed after periodontal surgery but keep in mind that this mouth rinse is not meant to replace tooth brushing and flossing, it is meant to assist in killing bacteria and helping your mouth heal.

There will be swelling after your surgery and you can minimize this by using an ice pack on the outside of your face over the treated area. In order to prevent any infections, antibiotics may be administered before, during, and after the treatment. You should take these antibiotics as instructed to prevent any infections. The surgical site will be examined by your periodontist after a week or two. If there are any periodontal dressings then they will be removed.

Further Information about Bone Grafting in Dental Treatment